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Post-Pandemic Reintegration Strategy

“As the pandemic begins to change, you have a short window of time for strategic thinking about lessons from the pandemic and returning to your new normal.”


The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way you do business. Whether you and your team are working virtually from home, managing on the front line, or had to temporarily cease all operations, the way we interact and manage will likely be forever different.


How will your organization find its new normal?


Sandbar is ready to assist business, non-profit and organization leaders in strategically navigating from COVID-19 crisis mode to post-pandemic excellence.


With either a one-to-one or small group facilitated discussion, Margot will guide you forward. She will capture the great thinking and provide you with a phased action plan for your reintegration.


Does your organization need this kind of support and need it now?


  • As the pandemic begins to evolve, you have a short window of time for strategic thinking about lessons from the pandemic and returning to your new normal.


  • During times of change, your inclination is to revert back to what you’ve always known and what you’ve always done as soon as the crisis is over. Margot will help you take lessons learned in this unprecedented time and help your organization be nimbler and work smarter.


  • When your organization reopens and employees return to the workplace, how will you communicate with staff, customers, suppliers and stakeholders? How will new post-pandemic measures be executed and understood? Your success depends on your ability to be proactive.

Learn more about the Post Pandemic Learning Lab  




Margot will help you
and your team:

  • Consider how the COVID-19 pandemic has made your organization stronger and better

  • Strategize your plans for a smooth reintegration

  • Determine which lessons from the pandemic need to be a part of your future

  • Find clarity on your organization’s purpose in a post-pandemic environment

  • Ensure future growth and stability

  • Contemplate future scenarios, including a COVID-19 relapse or future public health crisis

Contact Margot today to discuss your organization’s recovery and next steps.

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